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How can I pay for Balsamiq Cloud on behalf of my customer as a reseller or purchaser?

Balsamiq Cloud is our web-based wireframing product. Subscribing to a plan takes place directly within the product, and not on our pricing page. We provide more details on how to subscribe to a plan and become the Billing Admin via the GIFs and steps found below.

As a software reseller or purchaser, our recommendation is for your customer to designate you as the Billing Admin of their Space. The Space is basically their "workspace" where their projects live, so they should have an existing Space by the time they bring you on board. To summarize, the steps required are:

  1. Ask your end user to create a Balsamiq Cloud account along with the Space where they will create their wireframes and projects. If they already have one, they can move on to step 2.

  2. The end user who creates the Space will be the Space Owner. They will be the ones in charge of designating you, the reseller or purchaser, as the Billing Admin, as we cannot do that on our end. Note that this role does not grant you access to their projects or wireframes.

  3. The end user will need to send you an email with a link to their billing page. Click the link in order to access their billing page. That is the section where you will select the plan they wish to subscribe to, and enter your credit card to make the payment.

Make sure that you save this link, as you will need to use it to make any future billing changes. If you lose it, you will need to ask the Space Owner to send it to you again.


Once you pay and subscribe to the customer's desired plan, you will then have completed the process. As the Billing Admin, you will now be able to change the plan as often as needed. Only the assigned Billing Admin can make changes to billing.


The paid invoices will be generated and emailed to the Billing Admin every month or year, depending on the selected frequency. The Billing Admin can also find them in the Space, under Invoice History.

How are renewals handled?

By default, our subscriptions are set to automatically renew on the frequency selected (monthly or yearly). We understand that credit card numbers may change during that time, especially for yearly subscriptions. With that in mind, you are encouraged to update the card on file at any time by following these steps.

If in the past you had already canceled the subscription so that it wouldn’t automatically renew, you will then need to log in to the customer’s Space (using the Billing link sent by the Space Owner) and click the blue Renew Subscription button via the Space’s Billing. Doing so will allow you to enter your current credit card details to allow the renewal to go through on the scheduled date.

Keep in mind that the billing period is stated on the invoices and the dates cannot be changed. In other words, it is not possible to pay early or pay for multiple years in advance. If the subscription you are trying to restart has already expired, then the new billing period will start on the day that you resubscribe.

Questions? Please contact us!