How do I redeem a Balsamiq Cloud promo code?
From time to time, we offer promotional codes for Balsamiq Cloud which consist of an extended trial period, longer than the usual 30-day trial offered by default.
Please DO NOT email us asking to share a promotional code with you.
If you have received a promo code from us, steps on how to apply it are below.
Applying a promo code to your Space
Note: These codes cannot be applied to paid Spaces or expired trials and subscriptions.
If you're new to Balsamiq Cloud, you will first create an account, and subsequently a Space before you're able to redeem your code.
After your account and Space are created and verified, login to your Space and access the Billing page. Click the hyperlink at the end of the third sentence "enter the promo code here."
The promo code window will open. Enter your promo code in the text box and then select “Apply.”
The text will then update to confirm the promo code has been applied correctly, and your new expiration date will appear there.
If you receive an error when applying your promo code, please make sure that you are copying and pasting it exactly as it was given to you.