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How to redesign a website from start to finish

In this 7-video course we follow Piccia Neri as she works with the team at the Galleria Nazionale Dell’Umbria in Perugia, Italy to redesign the museum’s website.

We follow along from the very beginning as the team discusses goals, hopes, and wishes, all the way through to a final, more impactful web experience that is designed to meet their visitors goals and expectations.

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1. Research and competitive analysis

In the first video of our case study course we talk about site analysis and competitive research, the 2 main activities when starting a website redesign project.

2. User personas

The second video of the course addresses what user personas are and what they are for. Then review the user personas created for this museum website redesign.

3. Site maps

The third video is all about navigation and site mapping, an essential step to get an overall view of how you’re going to organize the content om your website.

4. Wireframes

Follow UX expert Piccia Neri while she shows us the initial wireframes for a museum website redesign and talks about some bold choices for the main navigation.

1. Research and competitive analysis

In the first video of our case study course we talk about site analysis and competitive research, the 2 main activities when starting a website redesign project.

2. User personas

The second video of the course addresses what user personas are and what they are for. Then review the user personas created for this museum website redesign.

3. Site maps

The third video is all about navigation and site mapping, an essential step to get an overall view of how you’re going to organize the content om your website.

4. Wireframes

Follow UX expert Piccia Neri while she shows us the initial wireframes for a museum website redesign and talks about some bold choices for the main navigation.

5. User journeys

In this lesson, UX and UI expert Piccia Neri will show you how to use wireframes to create user journeys based on the personas for a museum website project.

6. Content first and accessibility

One of the main advantages of content-first design is that it will help with the accessibility of a website. See this real-life example to learn how to do it.

7. The final design

During the implementation, it often happens that some design ideas are left out. But it’s the beauty of web design: it’s iterative, and nothing is set in stone.