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Advice for getting started in UX design

Are you looking for help getting into UX as a career? We created this page as a one-stop resource for all of our favorite links from around the web.

UX Education

There are many paths to becoming a UX designer. Understanding the options you have to learn UX will help guide you toward making the choice that best suits you.

Online UX Courses

A few courses we've heard good things about. Be sure to vet all your options before committing to a paid program.

Types of Jobs

UX encapsulates many different, but equally important jobs and skills. From user researcher to information architect, learn about common roles and what they entail.

UX Designer

This title encapsulates many of the jobs below. As a UX Designer you will be responsible for everything from research reports to wireframes to testing prototypes. This role works in every part of the design process - from conception to delivery.

UX Researcher

Researchers primarily focus on speaking with actual users of the experience to gain a better understanding of real issues. They also work to conduct usability tests with users to see if the design works as intended.

Information Architect

Architects focus their work on understanding complex data structures and work to organize them in the most logical and user-friendly way. They can do this through sitemaps, user flows and journey maps.

UX Writer

Sometimes referred to as Content Designers, their primary responsibility is writing the copy for the interface. Everything from navigation labels, to buttons, to modals, work to make sure the words used are clear, concise and easy to follow.

Product Designer

Product designers take on many of the same duties of a UX Designer, but they also help design the interface (UI Designer). They focus most of their work on the entire experience of a single product.

UI Designer

Also known as Visual Designers, these people craft the user interface by creating mockups, design patterns and prototypes. They understand how visual design will guide users through an experience.


The first thing any potential employer will see of your work is your portfolio. Use the following articles as a guide to creating an eye-catching portfolio to get your foot in the door.

Templates and Examples

A few articles and software to help kickstart creating your portfolio.

Your First UX Job

Now that you've landed your first job, there is still much to learn. Continue to seek advice, mentorship and learnings to build a successful career.

Design Communities

To be successful in design it helps to have peers and mentors to help you along the way.

Find Out What We Think

Office Hours with Balsamiq Mentors

Get advice on your career from senior Balsamiq staff. For free. Pick a mentor below to schedule a call.

Leon Barnard
Education Lead
Billy Carlson
Design Educator
Michael Angeles
Lead Product Designer

Webinar: User Experience as a Career

Watch the recording of our webinar about embarking on a career in UX.

By Billy Carlson
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