Are updates for Balsamiq for Desktop free?
Balsamiq for Desktop has no maintenance or renewal costs for the license. However, minor version updates are free for your purchased version.
The future of Desktop
As a company, we have decided to prioritise our online web app, Balsamiq Cloud. One day, we will no longer sell Balsamiq for Desktop software. Given this, future major-version updates are unlikely.
We have detailed more about our strategy and reasoning here. These changes will take a few years to make, so if you really like to use Desktop, don’t worry, we're taking this slow. In the meantime, we have a feeling you'll like Cloud just as much, if not more. So if you're feeling curious, we welcome you to start a free trial and see how you feel!
What is the cost to purchase a major version update?
Major version updates have a reduced cost of 50% the price of a new license.
For example, if you currently hold a 1-user Mockups for Desktop license, you can purchase a 1-user Wireframes for Desktop major version update for $74.50 USD (half of $149 USD). If you hold a 2-user Mockups for Desktop license, you can purchase a 2-user Wireframes for Desktop major version update license for $149 USD (half of $298 USD), and so on.
To purchase your major version update license, you will need to paste your Mockups for Desktop license key on our pricing page to automatically receive reduced pricing.
Note: Licenses that were issued for free have no commercial value and cannot be updated or upgraded. If you're eligible for our Free Program, you are welcome to resubmit an application.
What if I don't want to update?
You absolutely don't have to. While we usually suggest keeping the software up-to-date, this remains entirely optional. Do bear in mind that official support for Mockups 3 for Desktop ended on January 15, 2021 and no further releases will be made.
You can still update from any older version of Mockups for Desktop to Mockups 3 for free.
Questions? Please contact us!