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Common questions about updating to Balsamiq Wireframes for Desktop

Since the release of Balsamiq Wireframes for Desktop, we have been asked some of these questions quite frequently. To help make things easier for you or your company, we'd like to address them below.

I just purchased a license and I'm having trouble registering. What should I do?

If you just purchased a license, it's possible that you still have Mockups 3 for Desktop installed. A new Wireframes for Desktop license will not work on Mockups, so make sure that you have downloaded and installed Balsamiq Wireframes for Desktop, and then follow the instructions to register.

If you are still having issues even after installing Balsamiq Wireframes for Desktop, please take a screenshot of the error and send it to

Can I still buy Mockups 3 for Desktop?

In short, no. With the release of Balsamiq Wireframes for Desktop, we stopped selling licenses for Mockups 3 for Desktop. If you already have a Mockups for Desktop license key, you can continue using version 3 of the software.

We know that some of our customers work in environments with restrictions. If your company has not approved the download or usage of Balsamiq Wireframes for Desktop yet, shoot us an email to and we'll be happy to provide you with a Mockups 3 for Desktop trial license key so that you can keep working while the new version is approved.

Can I still add users to a Mockups 3 for Desktop license?

Since we are no longer selling Mockups 3 for Desktop licenses, you cannot add users to an existing Mockups license. However, you can pay for the major version update for your existing users and add more users in the process. To see your options, you can paste your current Mockups for Desktop license key on our pricing page.

Example: if María has a 5-user license, and she wants to add 5 more users, she will be able to do so, but she will also need to pay for the major version update for her existing license. In short, María will end up with a 10-user license for Balsamiq Wireframes for Desktop.

Questions? Please contact us!