The Balsamiq SWAG gifting program
For years, we had a public store that let people purchase Balsamiq-branded items like t-shirts, mugs, and the like.
Over time, we realized that rather than charging for it, we MUCH preferred sending our SWAG as gifts! :)
So for the last few years, whenever anyone sends us a particularly good email with a bug report or a great suggestion, or participates in one of our research studies, we like to surprise them with a little gift!

We made it very easy for anyone at Balsamiq to send out gifts, and if you receive one of these, it couldn't be easier! Just pick your item, enter your shipping address, and we'll send it to you. No payment required! :)
We try hard to always ship from a location that's near you, to avoid customs fees and reduce pollution. It's not always possible, but we do try!