Join the Balsamiq research program
As you probably already know, we genuinely care about our customers: you are the main driver of our company.
Being connected through forums, support, social media, Slack, customer interviews and more is our way to make sure we're doing the right thing to help you be successful. It has also proven to be 1000 times more efficient than analytics, and more fun and human.
Today we're pleased to announce our Research Program. It's one more channel to make sure your voice shapes the future of our products, company, and UI wireframing at large.
What's the Balsamiq Research Program?
Our Research Program is a volunteer group of people willing to share their ideas and feedback with us. A group of friends to help us improve our products and company through user research studies.
How Does it Work?
Anyone can join it, regardless of whether you're a Balsamiq customer or not. What's relevant is your interest in collaborating with our User Research Team.
When the ideal study for each member comes up, we get in touch with an invitation to take part in it.
Of course, members are not obligated to participate in every study we propose. We'll share the general details of the study in the invitation, and you can decide if you want to do it or skip it.
All the information you provide during your participation will be confidential. And of course, it's possible to unsubscribe from the program at any time.
Oh... and your time and collaboration will be rewarded with exciting perks and our wholehearted gratitude. 😊
Did You Say Perks?
All research studies come with incentives like swag from our store, gift cards, and more. This varies according to the study. We'll include all the details in the study invitation.
But it doesn't stop there.
We'll give back to our community together: after each research study, we make a small donation.
You'll have direct access to the makers of Balsamiq, and early access to products and features. An important aspect of a good feedback loop is to see the impact and get recognition. We'll make sure your ideas are heard and we'll give you credit for your suggestions.
Why Add a New Channel?
The goal of the Program is to get a pre-qualified and willing group of participants for research. This will allow us to quickly get answers to studies and make informed decisions.
We got inspired by the idea of the research panels implemented by many UX and market research teams. Yet, more than striving for quick insights, we're striving for relationships. In the long term, we hope it will lead us to richer relationships with our customers.
In fact, there's an upper level of the Program; we call it The Balsamiq VIPs. The VIPs is an exclusive group of five people who've been with us from the beginning. We can discuss all-things-Balsamiq with them and get their expert view on new projects and ideas. That's the kind of relationship we aspire to with all our users.
We will tell you more about the VIPs in the future, but for now...
Are you ready to join the Balsamiq Research Program? Just fill out a 1-minute registration survey to get started:
Join the Balsamiq Research Program Now
If you have thoughts or feedback, comment below or email us at