Software maintenance
What is maintenance?
Software maintenance covers access to any relevant support and software updates.
We release often to get bug fixes and new features in your hands as fast as possible. Then we follow up each release with fanatical customer support.
For additional details check our End User Licensing Agreement and Terms of Service.
When does my maintenance start and end?
Balsamiq for Desktop has no maintenance or renewal costs for the license. Minor-version updates are free for your purchased version, but major-version updates have a cost. While updating to the latest version is recommended, it is not a requirement. Support can be contacted via our website, or email directly.
Balsamiq Wireframes for Google Drive, Balsamiq Wireframes for Confluence Cloud and Balsamiq Wireframes for Jira Cloud are subscription-based tools. Maintenance is included for as long as your subscription is active.
We no longer sell software maintenance for Wireframes for Confluence Server and Wireframes for Jira Server.